Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde - 6 Pack

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Brand: Alcon

6 Lenses per Box
Lotrafilcon B
14.2 mm


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Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde contact lenses are the first and only contact lenses to feature two advanced technologies to protect and hydrate the eyes. SmartShield Technology guards eyes from the build-up of deposits such as proteins, lipids and cosmetics, while HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix provides long-lasting moisture, to keep eyes fresh and irritant-free for longer. These contact lenses are ideal for people who exercise regularly, or have an active lifestyle, due to the hassle free comfort they provide.
These contact lenses are made with a highly breathable material that allows oxygen to flow through with ease, keeping eyes looking white and healthy. Easy to take out at the end of the day, these lenses stay moist for a very long time. Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde offers vision correction for people who are near sighted or far sighted. Consult with your optometrist to see if Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde contact lenses are right for you.

6 Lenses per Box
Lotrafilcon B
14.2 mm