Subscriptions & Stored Cards

How Subscription Works

When adding an item to the checkout, you are provided the option to set a reorder time frame. This reorder time frame is dependent on the product you are ordering.



Managing your Subscription

To manage your subscription, you do so under the accounts page.
From here, you click on the subscription tab to bring up your current and historical subscriptions.

It is worth noting, that each product has it’s own subscription, so if you have two or more products, you need to edit each subscription.


At this point, you can edit your subscription with one of the following options;
- Update Payment Method
- Update Shipping Address
- Skip Recurrence
- Cancel Subscription



How to Edit or Delete Saved Cards

When you opt to save your credit card at checkout, the card data is not stored by us. Only a token relating to the card is stored meaning if any data breach of our servers were to ever occur, your card data will not be exposed.

To edit and delete your card information, you can do so by navigating to the Account Settings page under your account



From here, you will then proceed to the 'Payment Methods' tab




Once you have clicked on this tab, you will be presented with all your tokenized cards. From here, you can add, delete or edit your saved cards.
