
Ultra for Presbyopia - 6 Pack

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Brand: Bausch and Lomb

6 Lenses per Box
Samfilcon A
14.2 mm


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Bausch & Lomb introduced ULTRA for Presbyopia in an expanded power range as part of their continued commitment to help provide outstanding options to meet the needs of presbyopic patients. Many multifocal contact lens wearers struggle with dryness and often experience difficulty with their near and intermediate vision, particularly at work. Additionally it is common for people to now spend at least 9 hours a day on digital devices, which creates a significant need for innovative multifocal contact lenses that can meet these visual demands. This is where Ultra for Presbyopia can make a huge difference.

Bausch & Lomb ULTRA for Presbyopia soft contact lenses monthly replacement silicone hydrogel lenses combine the company’s innovative MoistureSeal technology, which delivers exceptional end-of-day comfort, with the proven 3-Zone Progressive design. The combination of these advanced proprietary technologies provides presbyopic patients with exceptional comfort and outstanding vision at near, intermediate, and distance. The 3-Zone Progressive design additionally helps to fit 80% of patients in one visit, and 96% within two visits. Combining this consistency with the need to only use two add powers and the Bausch & Lomb ULTRA for Presbyopia simplified fitting guide, also helps streamline the multi-focal fitting process.

6 Lenses per Box
Samfilcon A
14.2 mm