
What are the differences between multifocal and progressive lenses?

31st Oct 2013

It would be safe to state that few people enjoy wearing bifocal glasses. There can hardly be another item that adds as many years to your outward appearance than bifocals. Until fairly recently, those of us who had good distance vision, but poor near vision had no choice than to use these unattractive eyeglasses. Now, however, Lenses Online can provide you with both multifocal and progressive contact lenses that can free you from your old bifocals.

Air Optix Aqua Multifocal will provide you with excellent vision both near and far. These lenses can be used as a daily contact lens, which will necessitate them being put into a cleaning solution overnight, or you can used them for extended wear for 6 nights. Lenses Online also carries Opti-Free cleaning solution to provide a safe and convenient way to clean your lenses.

If you are just beginning to have difficult reading small print, Proclear “EP” will be an excellent choice of lens. These lenses can be worn on a daily basis for two weeks, with a nightly cleaning. They will help to restore vision before true bifocal lenses are required. Proclear “EP” allows you to see both objects that are near, and those that are farther away.

Once you need real bifocals, you may find that Soflens Multi-Focal lenses are exactly what will restore your normal vision. These lenses can be used for up to one month as a daily lens. These lenses will have to be put into a cleaning solution overnight. To make them easier to locate in the Opti-Free, these lenses are very slightly tinted, although they will not colour your vision in any way. When you find that you require glasses in order to read, Soflens Multi-Focals can provide you with an answer to your needs.


For those of you who are looking for extended wear multifocal contact lenses, PureVision Multi-Focals will be perfect for you. These multifocals can actually be left in for 30 days, both day and night, without the need for cleaning. PureVision Multi-Focal lenses will assure that your eyesight is as clear when you wake up in the morning as it is through the rest of the day.