Can anyone wear contact lenses?

Posted by Lenses Online on 31st Jan 2018

Almost everyone can wear contact lenses, regardless of their age and lifestyle. Constant research in the field of ophthalmology made it possible to achieve great success in the manufacture of contact lenses for patients with farsightedness, near-sightedness and astigmatism. There are many types of contact lenses and you can choose the one for your specific requirements.

Correctly selected contact lenses help to correct almost any degree of farsightedness, myopia and astigmatism. Currently, this method of vision correction is more convenient and safe than ever. Today, contact lenses are comfortable even at the first application.

Lenses are fairly simple to use and can be an excellent alternative to operations that have some possible complications and irreversible effects. The method of contact correction is very convenient in circumstances where wearing glasses presents certain difficulties. Therefore, everyone who is medically able can wear contact lenses to improve their lives in every possible term.

However, as we mentioned, your eyes need to be in a certain condition to be able to contact lenses.

There are some symptoms and eye issues that prevent the person from wearing contact lenses. Some of these are:

  • Strabismus (when the angle exceeds 15 °)
  • Low sensitivity of the cornea
  • Blepharitis
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Glaucoma

With these contraindications, contact lenses cannot be worn. If you have the symptoms below you should also check your condition with a professional before wearing contact lenses.

  • Pain in the eyes;
  • Burning;
  • Itching;
  • Redness of the eyeball;
  • Increased lacrimation;
  • Redness and swelling of the eyelids;
  • Increased sensitivity of the eyes.

With these symptoms, the foreign body (contact lens) will not contribute to a sense of comfort and recovery of the patient.

Wearing contact lenses for infectious diseases is strictly prohibited. Their use in these cases can be compared to the fact that we wash the wound with a sterile solution and then we impose a dirty bandage. The infection remains on the surface of the contact lens, and it is very difficult to remove it with a multifunctional solution.

Previously, such a disease as diabetes was another contraindication to wearing contact lenses. But recent studies in ophthalmology, as well as the appearance of one-day lenses, have excluded this pathology from the "blacklist".

Pregnant women wearing lenses

Pregnancy does not require the termination of wearing lenses. But as the body changes, you should carefully follow the rules of use, be limited only to the daily mode of wearing, and also be under constant supervision of the doctor.

It should be borne in mind that during pregnancy sometimes there is an increase in myopia, so contact lenses may seem "weak" and visual acuity in them decreases. In most cases, this state is reversible. The degree of myopia within one or two years after childbirth is usually restored.